Specific Writing Instruction

NSEd coaches also love the challenge of emergency writing help calls when the E.F. Skills haven't been fully formed yet! 

-Research paper due next week or next day!

-Character analysis essays 

-Thematic explanations with textual evidence

-Book reviews

And after... we may suggest some of our time management lessons. 

We also do many College Essays and assist with application supplements.  Last year, Kevin helped over 50 students complete theirs! 

North Shore Education Coaching provides explicit writing instruction in approximately ten sessions. We begin by teaching parts of speech, which is foundational to understanding language; that then informs sentence structure, and various sentence types. Learning the constructs of simple, compound and complex sentences demystify the most common question: "Where do the commas go?" We build into paragraph structure in a formulaic manner, for if you can write one good paragraph, you can write many.  We teach a five step writing process that centers on the pre-writing process of brainstorming and organizing so that the writer creates a map before writing.